Dental Hygiene & Preventive Care

Interested in preventing dental disease?
Looking for an active maintenance care plan tailored for you?
Need some advice on how to improve your dental hygiene?

Dedicated to the prevention of dental disease, our Oral Health Therapists, Michelle, Vanessa, Karnie and Johanna are skilled professionals with tertiary qualifications. They use preventive and therapeutic treatments, along with education, to help you achieve optimum oral health and understand your own oral health needs. A tailored individual active maintenance care plan is developed to maintain excellent oral health, which in turn can help maintain your general health.

Brushing and flossing, dietary advice to identify foods and drinks that can harm teeth, as well as the oral health problems connected with smoking or your general medical health if applicable, will be discussed. They will introduce you to products to help your specific condition, whether it is dry mouth or weakened enamel due to erosion.

Poor oral hygiene has been linked to many dental problems such as gum disease, bleeding gums, decay, infections and periodontitis, leading to permanent destruction of the gums and jawbone and tooth loss. More recently, there has been a link between gum disease and medical problems including diabetes, heart disease, strokes, premature births and dementia.

Treatment plans and results will be presented using the latest technology, including iPads, intra oral photography and digital radiographic images.  

Most dental disease can be prevented with the correct home care routines. Our Dental Hygienists will guide you through these routines.

Call us today for more information about dental hygiene or to make an appointment.

  • Individual maintenance care plan

  • Brushing & flossing guidance

  • Dietary advice

  • Lifestyle impacts on oral health

  • Links between oral health and general health

We're here to help!

Don't suffer in silence with:

  • Dry mouth

  • Sensitive teeth

  • Bleeding gums

  • Cavities

  • Gum infections/periodontitis

Oral Health Basics: Four Simple Tips


1. Brush twice a day, using fluoride toothpaste

  • Brush your teeth for at least two minutes, twice a day. 

  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush with small head and flexible neck. 

  • Clean teeth systematically, holding toothbrush at the gum line at a 45-degree angle. 

  • Don’t press too hard – too much pressure can damage gums and tooth enamel. 

  • Choose a toothpaste with fluoride and replace your toothbrush every three months. 


2. Use floss at least once a day

  • Make flossing part of your oral hygiene regime. 

  • Floss at least once a day. 

  • Ask your dentist or hygienist to demonstrate the correct flossing technique. 

  • Ask your dentist if interdental aids will complement your flossing. 

  • Your children should floss too; start as soon as your child has two teeth that touch. 


3. Eat healthly and have less sugary drinks & food

  • Limit your sugar intake as its the single-biggest cause of tooth decay. 

  • Fluoridated tap water is best. 

  • Read ingredients labels on food products, as many have hidden sugars. 

  • Choose tooth friendly foods such as cheese, nuts and vegetables. 

  • Avoid snacking and grazing. 


4. Have regular dental check-ups

  • Make sure you visit your dentist regularly; at least once a year! Those under 18 should go every 6 months.


Source: Australian Dental Association

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