How would you like to feel about your smile?

We’re constantly bombarded with photographs of models with pearly white teeth, perfect skin and the perfect smile.

A bright smile with straight, white teeth and healthy gums implies health, looks youthful and rightly or wrongly, reflects society's current “norm”.

And then, sometimes, we look at our own teeth. Which maybe aren’t as straight, white or perfect.

Now, we can’t all be supermodels but that’s not to say we can’t put a value on being confident with our smile.

Your smile doesn’t have to be perfect to provide a boost to your confidence

For some patients all it takes is tooth whitening.

Others may choose to have their teeth straightened with braces.

In some cases improving the appearance of the teeth may require re shaping the teeth with tooth coloured filling material or porcelain veneers.

You’d be surprised the difference very small changes to tooth shape can make, to how someone feels about their teeth.

Ultimately the decision belongs with you

If you do decide you want to make a change, we can provide you with a menu of options tailored to your particular needs and you can choose what suits you best.

Kimberley Hayllar